Crossroads of East and West: European travelers to Anatolia throughout the 19th century
December 2019



BOOKS (Editor) Click the picture to contents

1.   Sinasos. Eikones kai afigiseis, Athens, Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2004 [Greek edition].
Sinasos. Mübadeleden Önce Bir Kapadokya Kasabası, Birzamanlar Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2007 [Turkish edition].
Sinasos. Images and Narratives, Birzamanlar Yayincilik, Istanbul 2009 [English edition].
2.   Ürgüp / Prokopi. Photographs from the Archive of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens, Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2004 [in Greek and English].
Ürgüp / Prokopi. Küçük Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi Arşivi'nden Fotoğraflar, İstanbul, Birzamanlar Yayıncılık, 2010 [Turkish edition].
3.   Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Karamanlidika Studies (Nicosia, 11th–13th September 2008)
, Edited by Evangelia Balta and Matthias Kappler, Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden 2010.
4.   Yücel Dağlı Anısına. “geldi Yücel, gitti Yücel, bir nefes gibi...” (eds) Evangelia Balta, Yorgos Dedes, Emin Nedret İşli, M.Sabri Koz, İstanbul, Turkuaz Yayınları, 2011.
5.   Between Religion and Language: Turkish-Speaking Christians, Jews and Greek-Speaking Muslims and Catholics in the Ottoman Empire, edited by Evangelia Balta, Mehmet Ölmez, Istanbul, Eren, 2011.
6.   Reliques d’un Empire Ottoman. Eugène Dalleggio à la recherche de publications karamanlies, Textes recueillis, commentés et édités par Evangelia Balta, Istanbul, Les éditions Isis, 2011.
7.   Histories of Ottoman Larnaca , Edited by Evangelia Balta – Theoharis Stavrides – Ioannis Theocharides, Istanbul, The Isis Press, 2012.
8.   Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on Ottoman Cyprus, vol. I (eds) Evangelia Balta, Georgios Salakidis, Theoharis Stavrides, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014, 246p. vol I

Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, vol. II (eds) Evangelia Balta, Georgios Salakidis, Theoharis Stavrides, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014, 514p. vol II
9.   Cultural Encounters in the Turkish-speaking Communities of the Late Ottoman Empire , edited by Evangelia Balta with the contribution of Mehmet Ölmez, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2014.
10.   Lectures at the Moonlight Monastery on Cunda, I, edited by Evangelia Balta, Istanbul, Summer 2015.
11.   Lectures at the Moonlight Monastery on Cunda, II, edited by Evangelia Balta, Istanbul, Summer 2016.
12.   Μουχατζηρναμέ - Muhacirnâme / Κaramanlı Muhacirler için Şiirin Sedası / Poetry’s Voice for the Karamanlidhes Refugees, Semih Poroy’un Çizgileri Eşliğinde Türkçe ve İngilizce 25 Şiir, hazırlayanlar: Evangelia Balta ve Aytek Soner Alpan, İngilizceye çevirenler: Aytek Soner Alpan ve David Selim Sayers, Sunuş Yazısı ve Notlar: Evangelia Balta, (istos - 2016)

Interview - Röportaj
13.   Lectures at the Moonlight Monastery on Cunda, III, edited by Evangelia Balta, Istanbul, Summer 2017.

14.   Stavros Stavridis, Anatol Türküleri 1896 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İ̇lk Türkü Mecmuası (haz.) Evangelia Balta ve Ari Çokona, İstanbul, Literatür, 2017

15.   Sévérien Salaville (†), Eugène Dalleggio (†), Evangelia Balta, KARAMANLICA Kitaplar Yunan Harflerle Türkçe Eserlerin Çözümlemeli Bibliyografyası = KARAMANLIDIKA Bibliographie analytique d’ouvrages en langue turque imprimés en caractères grecs, t. I (1718-1839), Éditeur: Evangelia Balta, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2018

16.   Alexandros Rizos Rangavis, Le Notaire (traduit du grec moderne par Étienne de Moüy) / Aleksandros Rizos Rangavis, Mukavelat Muharriri, Yunan edebiyatından Türkçeye çevrilmiş ve Karamanlıca yazıyla 1889-1890 yıllarında tefrika edilmiş bir roman, (hazırlayanlar) Evangelia Balta ve Niki Stavridi, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2018. (news-haber)

17.   Karamanlidika Legacies, edited by Evangelia Balta, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2018.

18.   Ottoman Chrysochou (mid-19thCentury), edited by Evangelia Balta, Libra, Istanbul 2019, liv + 490p.

19.   Yüzyıl Osmanlıca ve Karamanlıca Yayınlarda Ezop’un Hayatı ve Masalları, hz. Evangelia Balta, Libra Kitap, İstanbul 2019, 352 p.

20.   Beyoğlu Sırları (tefrika roman / 1888-1889). Yazan: Epameinondas Kyriakidis, Τürkçesi (Κaramanlıca): Evangelinos Misailidis, hazırlayan: Evangelia Balta & Sada Payır, istos yayın, İstanbul 2020.

21.    Ελιά και λάδι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο Από την αρχαιοτητα στην προβιομηχανική εποχή επιστημονική επιμέλεια: Ηλίας Αναγνωστάκης - Ευαγγελία Μπαλτά, Πολιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Ομίλου Πειραιώς-Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών-ΕΙΕ, Αθήνα 2020

Olives and Olive oil in the Eastern Mediterranean. From Antiquity to Pre-industrial times eds Ilias Anagnostakis - Evangelia Balta, Cultural Institute of Pireus Bank - Institute of Historical Research NHRF, Athens 2020. [abstract]

22.   Türkçe Konuşan Anadolulu Hristiyan Halkın İzlerinde, haz. Evangelia Balta, Cilt I-II, Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatlarının Kaynakları-150, Harvard Üniversitesi Yakındoğu Dilleri ve Medeniyetleri Bölüm, 2021, 566p

23.   Registering Life in a Multicultural City. Late Ottoman Nicosia, Greek and Ottoman Fiscal Registers (1825-1833), (ed.) Evangelia Balta, Istanbuler Texte und Studien, Herausgegeben von Orient-Institut Istanbul, Band 47, Vol. II Supplementum 1, Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Baden-Baden 2022 (392p.)

24.   Registering Life in a Multicultural City. Late Ottoman Nicosia, Ottoman Censuses (1839-1877), (ed.) Evangelia Balta, Istanbuler Texte und Studien Herausgegeben von Orient-Institut Istanbul, Band 47, Vol. II Supplementum 2, Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Baden-Baden 2022 (592p.)