Publications in reviewed journals
PDF 1. «Du document fiscal à l’economie agricole: les cultures de
Santorin au XVIIIe siècle» [in Greek], Historica fasc. 6 (1986),
PDF 2. «Les avant-propos des livres karamanlis en tant que source pour
l’étude de la “conscience ethnique” des populations othodoxes
turcophones» [in Greek], Mnemon 11 (1987), 225-233.
3. «Lecture historique d’une carte à travers le signifié: les
villages de nom turc dans le espace grec au XVIIIe au début du XIXe
siècle (with the collaboration of Dimitris Anoyatis-Pelé), Actes du
13e Colloque Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle, Corfou
(24-29 août 1986), Athènes 1988, 83-85.
PDF 4. «The Karamanli registers of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies
» [in Greek], Deltio tou Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon
7 (1988-1989), 201-246.
PDF 5. «Archives ottomanes en Grèce: perspectives de la recherche» [in
Greek], Mnemon 12 (1989), 241-252.
PDF 6. «Karamanlica Basili Eserleri», Tarih ve Toplum 62 (1989),
PDF 7. «Yunanistan’da Türk Arşivleri», Tarih ve Toplum 67 (1989), 42-44.
8. «Rural and Urban Population in the Sancak of Euripos in the early
16th Century» [in Greek], Archeion of Euboean Studies 29
(1990-1991), 55-185.
9. «Les sources pour une histoire des populations à echanger de
Cappadoce. Nécessité d’une vision d’ensemble (with the colalboration
of Matoula Kouroupou) [in Greek], Deltio tou Kentrou Mikrasiatikon
Spoudon 9 (1992), 15-28.
«Kapadokya’da Mübadeleye Tabi Tutulanlarla İlgili Kaynaklar. Genel
Bir Değerlendirme Gereksinmesi», Kubbealtı Akademi Mecmuası 1992,
PDF 10. «Bread in Greek Lands during the Ottoman Rule», Ankara
Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, Tarih
Araştırmaları Dergisi XVI/27 (1992-1994), 199-224.
PDF 11. «The kanunname of Mora» [in Greek], Istor 6 (1993), 29-70.
PDF 12. «Landed Property and Taxation in Santorini in the 17th Century (with
the collaboration of Maria Spiliotopoulou) [in Greek], Mnemon 18
(1996), 109-142.
PDF 13. «Composition démographique et structure de l’habitat dans la
ville de Serrès aux XVe et XVIe siècles», Osmanlı Araştırmaları 16
(1996), 163-187.
14. «“I ARETI” (La Vertu): Revue micrasiatique illustrée, bi-mensuelle,
parue en 1912», I kath’imas Anatoli 3 (1996), 71-115.
15. «The Ottoman Studies in Greece», Historica 31 (Dec. 1999),
PDF 16. «Une revue gréco-karamanlie à la veille des Guerres balkaniques»,
Journal of Turkish Studies 20 (1996), 188-211.
PDF 17. «1923 Mübadelesi'nin Tarihsel Sorunları Üzerine Düşünceler : Bir
Destan ve Sözlü Tarih”, Tarih ve Toplum, 149 (1996), 261-271 (with
the collaboration of Herkül Millas).
18. «Karystia de l’Eubée, XVe-XVIIe siècles» [in Greek], Archeion of
Euboean Studies 32 (1996-97), 5-58.
PDF 19. «Recensements ottomans de Patmos, XVe-XVIIe siècles», Arab
Historical Review For Ottoman Studies / Mélanges Halil Sahillioğlu,
t. II, éd. Ab. Temimi, Zaghouan (oct.-nov. 1997), 63-74.
PDF 20. «Periodisation et typologie de la production des livrers
karamanlis», Deltio tou Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon 12 (1997-98),
“Karamanlica Kitapların Dönemlere Göre İncelenmesi ve konularına
Göre Sınıflandırılması”, Müteferrika 13 (1998), 3-19.
PDF 21. «La communauté grecque d’Andrinople, milieu du XIXe siècle-1922»,
I kath’imas Anatoli 4 (1998), 35-77.
PDF 22. «Le kanunname du Sancak d’Egriboz (milieu du XVIe siècle)» (with
the colalboration of Mustafa Oguz), Osmanlı Araştırmaları 18 (1998),
PDF 23. «Açıl Susam, açıl»,
Osmanlı Araştırmaları 19 (1999), 87-164.
24. «Landed Property of the Monasteries on the Athos Peninsula and
its Taxation in 1764», Mélanges Prof. Machiel Kiel, éd. Ab. Temimi,
Zaghouan (oct.1999), 109-142.
25. «Olive Cultivation in Crete at the time of the Ottoman Conquest»,
Osmanlı Araştırmaları / Journal of Ottoman Studies 20 (2000), 143-164.
PDF 26. «Evidence for Viniculture from the Ottoman Tax Registers: 15th
to 17th Centuries», Türk Kültür Incelemeleri Dergisi 5 (2001), 1-12.
27. «Thassos in the Ottoman Fiscal Registers (16-17th Centuries)»
[in Greek], Thasiaka 10 (1996-1997), Kαβάλα 2001, 503-521.
PDF 28. «The Poll Tax in the years of the Cretan War. Symbol of
Submission and Mechanisms of Avoidance», Thesaurismata 31 (2001),
323-359 (with the collaboration of Nükhet and Nuri Adiyeke).
29. «Evidence for Viniculture in Ottoman Morea, 15th-18th Centuries»,
in : History of Wine I. The History and Archeology in Northwest
Peloponnesus, Athens 2001, 135-141.
30. «The Chronicle of a Research on Samos in the Ottoman Archives of
Turkey» [in Greek], Samiakes Meletes (Studies on Samos) 5
(2000-2002), 345-349.
PDF 31. «Karystia in Ottoman Archives [in Greek], Archive of Euboean
Studies 34 (2001-2002), 85-138.
32. «Ottoman Studies in Greece», XII. Türk Tarih Kongresi. Kongreye
Sunulan Bildiriler, Ankara 2002, 243-248.
PDF 33. «Megaris in the Ottoman Archives Research into Viticulture of
the Region» [in Greek], History of Wine II. Megaris, Athens 2002,
PDF 34. «Dealing with Cultural Difference: ‘Asia Minor Refugee’ and
‘Muslim Minority’, Folkore Studies in Greece», VI. Milletlerarasi
Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi. Son Elli Yılda Türkiye Dışındaki Türk
Halk Kültürü Çalışmaları Seksiyon Bildirileri, Ankara 2002, 38-53. (with
the collaboration Prof. Dr. E. Papataxiarchis).
PDF 35. «“Gerci Rum Isekde Rumca bilmez”. The Adventure of an Identity
of the triptych: Vatan, Religion and Language», Türk Kültür
İncelemeleri Dergisi. The Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies 8
(2003), 25-44.
PDF 36. «The Economic Advancement of the Rum millet as a Function of
Otherness», O Eranistis 24 (2003), 139-160.
PDF 37. «Ottoman Archives in Greece”, in: Balkanlar ve
İtalya’da Şehir
ve Manastır Arşivlerindeki Türkçe Belgeler Seminerleri (16-17 Kasım
2000), Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara 2003, 15-24.
PDF 38. «Ottoman Evidence on the Revolution in Karystos of Euboea
(1821)» {in Greek], Archeion of Euboean Studies 35 (2003-2004),
PDF 39. «Settlements and Population in the Morea in 1645», Osmanli
Arastirmalari / Journal of Ottoman Studies XXIV (2004), 53-63.
PDF 40. «Ottoman Studies in Modern Greek Historiography», in : Kaf
Daginin Ötesine Varmak Festschrift in Honor of Günay Kut. Essays
Presented by her Colleagues and Students, III, Guest Editor Zehra
Toska, Journal of Turkish Studies 28/1 (2004), 9-16.
PDF 41. «Vines and Wines in Epanomi. The Ottoman Census of 1907», in :
Oinon istoro [History of Wine] III, Athens 2004, 129-191 (with the
collaboration of Eleni Karanastassi, Angeliki Georgiou).
42. «Karamanli Press. Smyrna 1845 – Athens 1926», Izzet Gündag
Kayaoglu Hatira Kitabi Makaleler, Oktay Belli, Yücel Dagli. M. Sinan
Genim (eds), Türkiye Anit Cevre Turism Degerlerini Koruma Vakfi,
Istanbul 2005, 27-33.
PDF 43. «The Underground Rock-Cut Wine-presses of Cappadocia»,
Journal of Turkish Studies 32/1 (2008) [In memoriam Sinasi Tekin, III] Guest Editors: Yücel Dağlı, Yorgos Dedes, Selim S. Kuru, 61-88.
PDF 44. «Mübadillerin Tarihi ve Yunan Tarihyazımındaki Yeri», Yeniden
Kurulan Yaşamlar, 80. Yılında Türk - Yunan Zorunlu Nüfus Mübadelesi,
(ed.) Mufide Pekin, Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayίnlarί, Istanbul
2005, 111-121.
PDF 45. «The Exchange of Population: The Case of Sinasos», Common
Cultural Heritage. Developing Local Awareness concerning the
Architectural Heritage left from The Exchange of Population in
Turkey and Greece, Istanbul, The Foundation of Lausanne Treaty
Emigrants, 2005, 35-38.
PDF 46. «Turkish Archival Material in Greek Historiography»,
Uluslararası Türk Arşivleri Semposyumu, 17-19 Kasim 2005, Istanbul
PDF 47. «The Ottoman Surveys of Siphnos (17th-18th Centuries)», Ankara
Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi 18
(2006), 51-69.
PDF 48. «The nahiye of Mylopotamos durimg the Cretan War», Mylopotamos
from the Antiquity to Modern Times, Proceeedings of the
International Congress on the History of Mylopotamos, Irini
Gavrilaki –G. Tzifopoulos (eds), Rethymno 2006, 101-150.
49. «Perception and Use of Religious Otherrness in the Ottoman
Empire. Zimmi Rums and Muslims Turks» [in Greek], Syghrona Themata
93 (April –June 2006), 71-76.
PDF 50. « The viticulture in the kaza of Trepolitze (16th-18th Centuries),
Oinon istoro [History of the wine]VI, 125-143, tab. 30-33.
PDF 51. « Evangelinos Misailidis'in Yunanca ve Karamanlıca Yayınlarına Osmanlı Kaynaklarının Tanıklığı, Evangelia Balta,
İstanbul: Toplumsal Tarih, 188 (2009), 24-30. (English
edition) Osmanlı Araştırmaları XXXIV (2009), 49-71.
PDF 52. «Evangelia Balta, « Le fonds ethnographique des réfugiés grecs d’Anatolie : questions d’histoire et d’historiographie », Ateliers, 32, L’ethnologue aux prises avec les archives, 2008, [En ligne], mis en ligne le 21 août 2008
PDF 53. « Editions karamanlies et armeno-turques des Sunday School Lessons», Historica fasc 53 (décembre 2010), 379-402 [in Greek].
PDF 54. «An Inventory of Settlements by Greek Anatolian Refugees in Evoia (Euboea), prepared by the Centre for Asia Minor Studies», Archeion Euboean Studies 32 (2008-2010), 175-214 [in Greek].
PDF 55. «Anadolulu Türkofon Hıristiyan Ortodoksların "Ulusal Bilinç"lerini Araştırmaya Yarayan Bir Kaynak Olarak Karamanlıca Kitapların Önsözleri», İstanbul: Tarih ve Toplum, sayı 74 (1990), pp. 18(82)-20(84).
PDF 56. "I karamanlidiki efimerida Mikra Asia Yani Anatoli tou Evangelinou Misailidi sti dini tou Boulgarikou Shimatos" [Le journal karamanli Mikra Asia yani Anatoli d’Evangelinos Misailidis dans la tourmente du Schisme Bulgare], o Eranistis [Le Glaneur. Revue publiée par l’Association d’Etude des Lumières en Grèce] XXVII/ 2009, 215-248. (Turkish edition) Bir Allame-i Cihan Stefanos Yerasimos (1942-2005), cilt I, İstanbul, Kitapyayınevi, 2012, 161-196.
PDF 57. Halil İnacık üzerine bir “Ego-belge”, İstanbul: Toplumsal Tarih, (222) Haziran 2012, pp. 32-40.
PDF 58. Modern Yunan Komedisinde Karamalı, İstanbul: Toplumsal Tarih, (234) Haziran 2013, pp. 54-62.
PDF 59. Küçük Asya Felaketi’nden Sonra Serez’de Mülteci İskanı, Toplumsal Tarih, (239) Kasım 2013, pp. 20-34 (with Aytek Soner Alpan).
PDF 60. Son On Beş Yılda Nüfus Mübadelesi Üzerine Yunan Tarihyazımının Üretimi; İstanbul: Tarihsel Toplum, (250) Ekim 2014, pp. 52-60.
PDF 61. Translating Books from Greek into Turkish for the Karamanli Orthodox Christians of Anatolia (1718-1856), International Journal Turkish Studies Vol. 23, Nos. 1&2, 2017, pp. 19-33.
PDF 62. Towards Creating a Typology of Greek Personal Memoirs on Late Ottoman Istanbul, Festschrift in Honor of Maria Pia Pedani (Journal of Turkish Studies/Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları vol.53, Dec. 2020,47-56).
PDF 63. Farewell to Mehmet Genç, Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, LVIII (2021), 329-336.