Crossroads of East and West: European travelers to Anatolia throughout the 19th century
December 2019



Evangelia BALTA is a founder member of ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ (Oinon Istoro), a team of scholars involved with researching the history of Greek wine. The other members of this team are Stavroula Kourakou-Dragona (PhD, chemist-oenologist), Ilias Anagnostakis (Director of Research, NHRF) and Yanis Pikoulas (Associate Professor, University of Thessaly). The conferences organized by ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ; study the history of Greek wine in all periods and from a multidisciplinary perspective. The main focus is on history (prehistory, antiquity, Byzantium, Venetian rule, Ottoman rule, recent times) and archaeology, but there are also agricultural and enological subjects. To date, seven conferences have been held, the proceedings of which have been published with the sponsorship of Ktimata (Domaines). The proceedings are published in Greek and are accompanied by summaries in a foreign language (French, English, German).

Οίνος: Πολιτισμός και κοινωνία [Wine: Civilisation and Society], (eds.) National Hellenic Research Foundation & OINON ISTORO, Athens 2006.

Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula The Culture of Wine in the Ancient Greek Societies 9
Anagnostakis, Ilias The Byzantine Wine Culture 39
Karapidakis, Nikos The Bacchus in the Europe of the Middles Ages 69
Balta, Evangelia Wines in the Ottoman Empire 85
Pikoulas, Yannis A Review on the Wine Research in Greece (1990-2006) 107


The first conference was held in August 2000, at the "Merkouris Estate" near Olympia.

ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ I. Αμπελοοινική ιστορία και αρχαιολογία της ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου, [History and Archaeology of Viticulture and Wine in the NW Peloponnese], Merkuris Estate, Korakohori Ileias, Αthens 2001.



Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula La vigne Kapneios enfumée de l’antiquité et le vin gris issu de ses raisins 17-24
Sinn, Ulrich The development of Olympia in Late Antiquity 25-29
Völling, Τhomas Wine-production in the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios in the Early Byzantine period 31-36
Petropoulos, Michael The Roman wine-presses of Patras 37-51
Arapogianni, Xeni The wine-presses of Phigaleias 53-57
Lambropoulou, Anna - Konti, Voula -Anagnostakis, Ilias La vigne et le vin dans l’histoire et l’art du Peloponnèse occidental à l’époque protobyzantine 59-67
Athanasoulas, Dimitrios Pressoirs à vin aux monastères de l’Elide 69-78
Pikoulas, Yanis From jar to barrel 79-87
Anagnostakis, Ilias Les tonneaux (oinobouttia) à Byzance et les Boutzarades de Araklovo dans la Morée franque 89-108
Panopoulou, Angeliki - Papakosma, Konstantina Vinée et vinum: vine growing and winemaking in Western Peloponnese (13th-15th c.) 109-124
Moutzali, Afendra Viticulture in the Territory of Vostitsa under Venetian Administration 125-134
Balta, Evangelia Evidence for viticulture from the Ottoman tax registers of Morea, 15th-18th centuries 135-141
Kanellakopoulos, Vasilis Viticulture in the NW Peloponnese. Reality and Prospects 151-169


The second conference was held in 2002, at the “Efcharis Estate” at Megara in Attica.

ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ II, Μεγαρίς. Η αμπελοοινική της ιστορία Μεγάρων [Megaris. The history of viticulture and wine] Efcharis Estate, Mourtiza Megara, Αthens 2002.



Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula Le vin d’Aegosthena 11-38
Pikoulas, Yannis Wine in Megara: evaluating our knowledge 39-44
Vordos, Andreas Der Fall eimer Weinanpflanzung in Megara 45-53
Anagnostakis, Ilias Mégare et Byzance. L’histoire viticole de la Mégaris byzantine du 4e-13e siècle 55-71
Panopoulou, Angeliki - Papakosma, Konstantina A Contribution to the History of the Megarid (13th-15th Century) 73-83
Tsiknakis, Kostas Between the Turks and the Venetians. The region of Megara by the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century 85-101
Balta, Evangelia Megaris in the Ottoman Archives. Research into viticulture of the region 103-144
Vingopoulou, Ioli Cheminant en Mégaride: les aspects et les avis des voyageurs 145-156
Chatziioannou, Maria Christine Entrepreneurial activities in the region of Megara in modern times 157-169
Mamaloukos, Stravros The wine-presses of Megara 171-179
Antoniou, Haris The Efcharis Estate 181-189


The third conference was held in May 2004, at the “Gerovasileiou Estate”, at Epanomi, Thessalonica.

OINON ΙΣΤΟΡΩ ΙΙΙ. Τ’αμπελανθίσματα [Ta ambelanthismata]
Gerovasileiou Estate, Epanomi Thessaloniki, Athens 2004.



Pikoulas, Yannis Planting vineyards in Antiquity 19-26
Eudokia, K. Skarlatidou An Ancient Vineyard at Thermi (ex. Sedes) near Thessaloniki 27-36
Besios, Manthos Ancient vineyards in northern Pieria 37-44
Efi, Poulaki Kompoloi: Pitheones and agreapaulis 45-56
Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula Protection phytosanitaire aux vignobles de l'ancienne Mendé 57-74
Anagnostakis, Ilias Grapes and Wines in Eustathios of Thessaloniki "Koukouvai and trigeron oinos" (very old wine) 75-109
Pazaras, Theocharis Winepresses in the region of Kalamaria 111-120
Papaggelos, Ioakeim Elements of enology from the Athonite Monastery of Zygou 121-127
Balta, Evangelia - Georgiou, Angeliki - Karanastasi, Eleni Vines and Wines in Epanomi. The Ottoman Census of 1907 129-191
Kontogiorgi, Elsa Aspects of viticulture and wine production in the places of origin of the refugees settled in the regions of Megalo Karabournou and Kalamaria 193-212
Stavrakas, Dimitrios Expérimentations dans le vignoble du domaine Gerovassiliou 213-229
Gerovasileiou, Vangelis History of the Gerovasileiou Estate  


The fourth conference was held in 2004 at the “Efcharis Estate, at Megara in Attica.

OINON IΣΤΟΡΩ IV. Θλιπτήρια και πιεστήρια. Aπό τους ληνούς στα προβιομηχανικά τσιπουρομάγγανα [Thliptiria kai piestiria. Apo tous linous sta proviomihanika tsipouromaggana] , Athens 2005 


Pikoulas Yannis An Introduction to Wine Terminology 13-21
Drougou, Stella Bilter der Lenos (Kelter) 23-31
Petropoulos, Michalis On Clay Moveable Winepress and Two Clay Olive-Oil Separators 33-45
Assimakopoulou-Atzaka, Panagiota Vintage and Winepress Scenes in Mosaics of Late Antiquity 47-76
Anagnostakis, Ilias On Treading and Pressing 77-167
Gasparis, Charalambos Winepress in Medieval Crete, 13th-14th century 169-181
Panopoulou, Angeliki Winepress Construction in Crete in the 16th Century 183-197
Zei, Eleutheria Foulior et pressoir: La vigne et ses differentes Histoires sociales aux-temps modernes 199-213
Balta, Evangelia The Underground Rock-Cut Winepresses of Cappadocia 215-256
Mamaloukos, Stavros Winepresses in Greece in Recent Times 257-271
Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula Considérations œnologiques sur l’extraction du jus de raisin à travers des âges 273-326


The fifth conference was held in 2006 at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Athens), on wine in Monemvasia (Malvasia wine).

ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ V : MONEMVASIAN WINE – MONOVAS(I)A – MALVASIA. Edited by Ilias Anagnostakis, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research (International Symposium 17), Athens 2008.

Ilias Anagnostakis



Maltezou, Chryssa

Opening Address


Gounaridis, Paris

“Εις πράγματος μνήμην τε και οχύρωσιν”. Trade and taxation of wine and other products in Constantinople, in the reign of John VI Kantakouzenos


Karapidakis Nikos

Policy reads wine. Protection, classification and promotion of the product in the Venetian possessions


Gerolymatou, Maria

Imports of wine to Constantinople from the mid-14th to the mid-15th century


Zei, Eleutheria

The limits of legal and illegal. Wines and whores in the taverns of Venice and Candia (14th-15th century)


Arbel, Benjamin

The “Jewish wine” of Crete


Anagnostakis, Ilias

Visit of names. Monemvasian wine, Monemvas(i)a -malvasia


Anagnostakis, Ilias

Epilogue. Time Chart of Monemvasian wine -malvasia


Gasparis, Charalambos

Malevizi. The name, the viticulture and the wines in the 13th and 14th centuries


Tsiknakis, Kostas

Aspects of viticulture in Crete in the late 16th century


Vincent, Alfred

Varieties of vine and kinds of wine in the Memoirs of Tzouanes Papadopoulos


Dragona-Kourakou, Stavroula

The vine variety malvasia and the wines named Malvasian


Skagos, Nektarios

Viticulture in Lakonia during Byzantine times


Nanetti, Andrea

Vigne, vitigni, uva, mosto e vini malvasia nei documenti notarili e negli Statuti veneziani di Μethone e Korone (secoli XIII-XV)


Yasar, Filiz

Viticulture and Wine Production in Ottoman Monemvasia in the Sixteenth Century


Tolias, Georges

Manafasia – Μονοβασία – Menefşe – Malvasia


Skagou, Giota

Grape-pressing installations in the area of Monemvasia


Athanasaki, Aikaterini

Winemaking installations in the wider area of Herakleion. The archaeological evidence


Vingopoulou, Ioli

Travellers’ subjectivities on vinicultural objectivities (15th-16th century). Testimonies on Malvasian wine


Patramani, Maria

“Malvasia – monovassia” (monovasa) in Αndrea Cornaro


Baroutsos, Fotis

In the shadow of Malvasian Muscat. Cretan spirits in the 16th century


Dragona-Kourakou, Stavroula

 Monovas(i)a – Malvasia. Polyptych of vinous subjects



The sixth conference was held in Decembr 2006 at the "Spyropoulos Estate" at Mantineia in Arkadia.

OINON IΣΤΟΡΩ VI, Αρκαδικά οινολογήματα [Arkadika oinologimata], Spyropoulos Estate, Mantineia of Arkadia, Athens 2007.


Roy, James The cult of Dionysos in Classical Arkadia 17-23
Pikoulas, Yannis Searching for vineyards in the Mantinike 25-31
Forsen, Björn Wine production and consumption in the valley of Asea 33-38
Mitsopoulou-Leon Veronika Kelteranlagen aus den Häusen in Lousoi 39-50
Kourakou-Dragona, Stravoula Vins et herbes médicinales sur la terre de Pan 51-73
Anagnostakis, Ilias "Tu me demandes l’ Arkadie". L'Arcadie ancienne et ses vins vus par les auteurs byzantins 75-97
Chryssanthopoulou Vassiliki St Tryphon and the Tradition of Viticulture in Vytina, Arcadia 99-115
Panopoulou, Angeliki Concessions of vines in the territorio of Tripoli (early 18th c.) 117-124
Balta, Evangelia Viticulture in the kaza in Tripolitsa (16th-18th Century) 125-143
Pylia, Martha Vin et culture de vigne en Arcadie prérévolutionnaire 145-156
Tzourou, Irene Moschofilero: The vine variety of Mantineia 157-163
Apostolos Ep. Spyropoulos Domaine Spyropoulos 165-172


The seventh conference was held in June 2007 at the “Vivlia Chora Estate” at Kokkonochori, Kavala .

ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ VII. Στα οινόπεδα του Παγγαίου [In the vineyards of Paggaion Mountain], Vivlia Chora Estate” at Kokkonochori, Kavala , Αthens 2007.


Tiverios, Michalis Dionysos, der Wein und die Lykurgos-Sage im nordgriechischen Raum 15-36
Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Chaido Production and Circulation of wine in the Thassian Peraia. A first Approach 37-56
Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula Biblia ampelos – Biblinos oinos 57-77
Malamidou, Dimitra Vine and wine in ancient Amphipolis 79-86
Nikolaïdou-Pateras Maria Sympotic vases from Phagres 87-96
Pikoulas, Yannis Vine-cultivation in the territorium of Colonia Iulia Augusta Philippensis 97-105
Mengidis-Dialektos, Dimitrios Wine-presses at the area of Philippi 107-116
Melvani, Nicholas Viticulture East of the Strymon river during the Byzantine period 119-129
Koutzakiotis, Georges Au coup d’oeil des voyageurs. La viticulture dans la région du Pangée 131-146
Vozikas, Giorgos Tradition surrounding viticulture in the villages of Mt Pagaion and in Darnakohoria of the prefecture of Serres. Convergences and divergences 147-170
Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula On viniculture and wine 171-176
Τsaktsarlis, Vasilis Domaine “Vivlia Hora” 177-180
Karadima, Chrysa Amphora stamps of Oisyme 181-186
Dadaki, Stavroula An open-air built winepress at Orphanio 187-193


In an Underground Rock-Cut Winepress of Cappadocia

The friends of "Oinon istoro" in Ürgüp

The friends of "Oinon istoro" in Ürgüp

The grapes of Ürgüp