Karamanlidika Studies between the Greek and Ottoman Literary Legacy, Koç University Press 2025, 544 pages. Click for introduction
Karamanlidika Studies between the Greek and Ottoman Literary Legacy, Koç University Press 2025, 544 pages. Click for introduction
Registering Life in a Multicultural City Late Ottoman Nicosia.Vol. I, The Sources and their Interpretation, Orient-Institut Istanbul, Istanbuler Texte und Studien 47, Βaden-Baden, Ergon Verlag…
Evangelia Balta Karamanlı Yazınsal Mirasının Ocaklarında Madencilik, Çeviren: Ayşe Nihal Akbulut, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2019, 352 p. Click for introduction
Evangelia Balta Ottoman Paphos. Population, Taxation and Wealth (mid-19th Century),The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2016, 559 p. Click for introduction
Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2015. Click for introduction
Gerçi Rum İsek de, Rumca Bilmez, Türkçe Söyleriz Karamanlılar ve Karamanlıca Edebiyat Üzerine Araştırmalar, Türkiye İş Bankası, Kültür Yayınları, 2014. Click for introduction
Nüfus Mübadelesi : İstanbul, İnkılap Yayınları, 2015. Click for introduction
Exchange of Populations : Historiography and Refugee Memory, Istanbul, istos yayın, 2014. Click for introduction
Miscellaneous Studies on the Karamanlidika Literary Tradition, Istanbul, The Isis Press, 2013. Click for introduction
Beyond the Language Frontier : Studies on the Karamanlis and the Karamanlidika Printing, Istanbul : Isis Press, 2010. Click for introduction