ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ I. Αμπελοοινική ιστορία και αρχαιολογία της ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου, [History and Archaeology of Viticulture and Wine in the NW Peloponnese], Merkuris Estate, Korakohori Ileias, Αthens 2001.
Kourakou-Dragona, Stavroula | La vigne Kapneios enfumée de l’antiquité et le vin gris issu de ses raisins | 17-24 |
Sinn, Ulrich | The development of Olympia in Late Antiquity | 25-29 |
Völling, Τhomas | Wine-production in the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios in the Early Byzantine period | 31-36 |
Petropoulos, Michael | The Roman wine-presses of Patras | 37-51 |
Arapogianni, Xeni | The wine-presses of Phigaleias | 53-57 |
Lambropoulou, Anna – Konti, Voula -Anagnostakis, Ilias | La vigne et le vin dans l’histoire et l’art du Peloponnèse occidental à l’époque protobyzantine | 59-67 |
Athanasoulas, Dimitrios | Pressoirs à vin aux monastères de l’Elide | 69-78 |
Pikoulas, Yanis | From jar to barrel | 79-87 |
Anagnostakis, Ilias | Les tonneaux (oinobouttia) à Byzance et les Boutzarades de Araklovo dans la Morée franque | 89-108 |
Panopoulou, Angeliki – Papakosma, Konstantina | Vinée et vinum: vine growing and winemaking in Western Peloponnese (13th-15th c.) | 109-124 |
Moutzali, Afendra | Viticulture in the Territory of Vostitsa under Venetian Administration | 125-134 |
Balta, Evangelia | Evidence for viticulture from the Ottoman tax registers of Morea, 15th-18th centuries | 135-141 |
Kanellakopoulos, Vasilis | Viticulture in the NW Peloponnese. Reality and Prospects | 151-169 |