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Evangelia BALTA is a founder member of ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ (Oinon Istoro), a team of scholars involved with researching the history of Greek wine. The other members of this team are Stavroula Kourakou-Dragona (PhD, chemist-oenologist), Ilias Anagnostakis (Director of Research, NHRF) and Yanis Pikoulas (Associate Professor, University of Thessaly). The conferences organized by ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ; study the history of Greek wine in all periods and from a multidisciplinary perspective. The main focus is on history (prehistory, antiquity, Byzantium, Venetian rule, Ottoman rule, recent times) and archaeology, but there are also agricultural and enological subjects. To date, seven conferences have been held, the proceedings of which have been published with the sponsorship of Ktimata (Domaines). The proceedings are published in Greek and are accompanied by summaries in a foreign language (French, English, German).

Οίνος: Πολιτισμός και κοινωνία [Wine: Civilisation and Society], (eds.) National Hellenic Research Foundation & OINON ISTORO, Athens 2006.

Kourakou-Dragona, StavroulaThe Culture of Wine in the Ancient Greek Societies9
Anagnostakis, IliasThe Byzantine Wine Culture39
Karapidakis, NikosThe Bacchus in the Europe of the Middles Ages69
Balta, EvangeliaWines in the Ottoman Empire85
Pikoulas, YannisA Review on the Wine Research in Greece (1990-2006)107


Published inOinon Istoro