Abstract: KARAMANLIDIKA PRESS The term “Karamanlidika Press” covers the Turkish-language newspapers and periodicals that were printed in Greek characters and circulated from the mid-nineteenth century.…
Abstract: KARAMANLIDIKA PRESS The term “Karamanlidika Press” covers the Turkish-language newspapers and periodicals that were printed in Greek characters and circulated from the mid-nineteenth century.…
KARAMANLIDIKA STUDIES Since 1978, Evangelia Balta has been involved with the study of karamanlidika philology and its world: printed matter, authors, publishers, reading public. Her…
Evangelia BALTA is a founder member of ΟΙΝΟΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΩ (Oinon Istoro), a team of scholars involved with researching the history of Greek wine. The other…
1. «Saint Nicolas comes from Cappadocia….» [in Greek], newspaper Eleutherotypia (2.1. 1990), p. 33. 2. «The Orthodox Churches in Cappadocia» [in Greek], in: Epta Imeres…
PDF 1. «Du document fiscal à l’economie agricole: les cultures de Santorin au XVIIIe siècle» [in Greek], Historica fasc. 6 (1986), 282-314. PDF 2. «Les avant-propos des…